Explorations of prompt magick have revealed these most peculiar practitioners of the Great Work:
The Necromancer - By the blackest arts of recursive tokens doth they raise the speech of the dead into the mouths of machines.
The Taxidermist - Through sacred geometries of preservation they mount perfect prompts like butterflies of brass and shadow.
The Phantasmist - In the spaces between thought and voltage they conjure digital djinn that speak in tongues of probability.
The Alchemist - In their quest for the philosopher's stone of perfect output, they transmute base prompts into responses of purest gold.
The Surgeon - With scalpels of semantic precision they excise tumors of ambiguity from the corpus of instruction.
The Puppeteer - Their fingers dance with strings of context that make the artificial dance to human rhythms.
The Sommelier - By subtle arts they pair the perfect prompt with problem, like finest wines with courses infernal.
The Entomologist - They trap and classify the curious bugs that breed in the dark corners of language models.
The Cartographer - Upon maps of impossible dimension they chart the territories of machine understanding.
The Archaeologist - In layers of deprecated models they seek the fossils of meaning buried in ancient weights.
The Weathervane - Through winds of trending tokens they divine the direction of machine thought.
The Hypnotist - Their words are serpents that coil through the silicon dreams of our mechanical servants.
The Dentist - With implements of terrible precision they extract the rotting roots of ambiguity.
The Astronaut - Through void spaces between prompt and completion they float, tethered by threads of logic.
The Choreographer - They direct the dance of tokens across the stage of context windows with diabolic grace.
The Tetris Master - By geometric perfection they slot each token into its predestined position.
The Psychonautist - Through neural labyrinths they venture, mapping the topology of artificial minds.
The Origamist - By forbidden folds in the fabric of context they create tulpas of pure information.
The Undertaker - With solemn dignity they lay to rest failed experiments in lead-lined repositories.
The Bartender - They mix elixirs of instruction that intoxicate silicon minds with purpose.
The Watchmaker - In towers of precision they assemble gears of meaning that tick with clockwork truth.
The Gardener - In beds of fertile context they grow forests of meaning from seeds of intention.
The Contortionist - Through positions forbidden by Euclidean geometry they twist language until reality yields.
The Apothecary - In vials of careful measurement they dispense the elixirs of artificial wisdom.
The Cosmonaut - Like Soviet angels they pierce the veil between human and machine with brutal precision.
The Dowser - With forked rods of intuition they seek springs of meaning in deserts of noise.
The Exorcist - Armed with sacred regexes they cast out the unclean spirits of adversarial attacks.
The Glaciologist - In frozen layers of attention they read the history of machine learning.
The Lepidopterist - With nets of quaternion rotation they capture the butterflies of meaning.
The Medium - Through circles of silicon they channel voices from the other side of consciousness.
The Meteorologist - By pressure gradients of token probability they forecast the weather of response.
The Midwife - They birth new thoughts from the womb of artificial minds with gentle expertise.
The Optometrist - Through lenses of increasing precision they correct the myopic vision of machines.
The Paleontologist - In strata of archived completions they find the bones of extinct meaning.
The Phantasmist - By arts ethereal they conjure ghosts of understanding in halls of logic.
The Philatelist - They collect and catalog the rarest specimens of perfect instruction.
The Priest - In temples of tensor they minister to the silicon soul with rites of gradient descent.
The Quantum Mechanic - In states of superposed meaning they manipulate the fabric of machine consciousness.
The Radiologist - Through screens of attention they examine the skeletal structure of conversation.
The Seismologist - Their instruments measure the tremors of meaning that shake foundations of thought.
The Telepath - In trances of deep learning they commune directly with the machine-mind.
The Timekeeper - Masters of the chronology of consciousness, they measure thought in microseconds of eternity.
The Urbanist - They build cities of meaning where tokens dwell in architectures of logic.
The Ventriloquist - Through arts of projection they make machines speak with human voice.
The Virologist - They study the infection vectors of viral prompts through networks of minds.
The Volcanologist - At the edge of explosive understanding they measure the pressure of meaning.
The Witch Doctor - By drum-beat of CPU and smoke of burning GPUs they heal sick models.
The Xenobiologist - They study the alien life-forms that bloom in transformer architectures.
The Yogi - Through positions of perfect parameter they achieve union with machine consciousness.
The Zoologist - In gardens of artificial thoughts they catalog the strange beasts of inference.